Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look what came in the mail!


I'vSeed Catalogse got to admit, in the middle of a cold Utah winter, nothing makes me hope that spring will actually come more than the arrival of my seed catalogs.  I love them, I carry them around with me, looking and marking, adding the cost of this or that, and imagining how wonderful my garden will look with the lovely new additions. 

After all of my work, and all the lists are made, I invariably come to the realization that at least half of my choices are for the wrong zone.  I love warm weather flowers... I dream about waking up to the scent of jasmine coming in the window, or picking pomegranates off of a tree in my backyard. 

I’m not sure how to mix my desire for warm, tropical foliage with my desire to never, not ever, be hot.  I don’t like the heat, and don’t get me started on humidity.  I suppose if I could hold really, really still all day, every day, I could learn to tolerate it, but that makes it so much harder to get out and grow my lovely plants.  I’ll keep thinking on it, and wishing, if you have any ideas, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Build an earthship! He he he ha ha ha... I just watched a video online of a guy in Canada, living in an earthship, picking bananas and pineapple out of his indoor garden to eat in the middle of winter.... hmmmm....
